Greenbridge Women in Manufacturing: Meet Destany Liston
I’m the first in my immediate family to graduate from college. My first choice of careers was the medical field, but while I loved working in hospital HR, I didn’t like working there during a pandemic. I switched to manufacturing HR.
I grew up a small town outside Youngstown, Ohio, and never lived more than ten minutes from my parents. When I was offered a job with Greenbridge, they said I would do some traveling. Little did I know I’d be moving from Ohio to Virginia Beach, Virginia, and splitting time between our manufacturing plants there and in Fountain Inn, South Carolina.
Being new to manufacturing creates a challenge and I love it! I had no idea what I was walking into, but I don’t mind. I’m so interested in learning about everything.
There aren’t too many women in our plants. I find that empowering as it’s an opportunity to create a more diverse workforce. The other women in my life see that I’m working in a male-dominated field and it shows them that stereotypes don’t matter. Bringing diversity to a workplace allows for new ideas and different perspectives. I can be as successful as I want as long as I keep working for it. So can anyone else.

What is most satisfying about my job with Greenbridge is helping people on the production floors and in the offices. I want to help create a work environment where team members feel appreciated. Some days it’s as simple as explaining to someone’s benefits to them. Some have never had benefits before so it’s very rewarding. Some days the best part of the job is just being there to listen to someone who has a problem. I want people to know they can come to me, and I’ll be here to listen.
I do miss our family dog, Luna. She’s a black and white boxer with blue eyes. I’m looking forward to meeting new people in Virginia Beach, maybe do a part-time bartending gig – I love bartending! – and binge-watching sitcoms. Now that I live in a city with the ocean just ten minutes away, is it too cheesy to say I enjoy long walks on the beach?