Greenbridge offers technical training classes for service and maintenance technicians covering beginner and advanced skill levels for Greenbridge arch machines, hand power tools and OMS systems. Some classes can be done virtually via Teams or Zoom. Classes are offered in-person at our Center of Excellence in Green, Ohio. Classes at customer sites are also an option.
Training classes
We offer training on:
- Plastic Strapping Arch Machines: PC1000, EC3000, PC Pro, PC102, and some older legacy models
- Plastic Strapping Hand Power Tools: EVOLUTION LT, B-Series battery and PHT pneumatic tools
- OMS Plastic Strapping lines: TR Heat Seal Strapping Heads and SX600 Ultra Sonic Seal Strapping Heads.

Need Assistance? Connect with the Greenbridge Service Team.
Troubleshoot via a video conference. Report an issue. Schedule training. Set up a preventive maintenance visit. We do it all.